Clojure comments


Getting it right

There are multiple mechanisms for commenting Clojure code. I thought I'd write up my current knowledge of the subject, perhaps it will be useful for others as well. If you see any improvements, please feel free to comment (*snicker*).

A semi-colon designates the start of a comment to the end of the line. The convention is to use single semi-colons for commenting at ends of lines and to use double semi-colons to comment a block of code.

;; Beware, side-effects!
  (init-canvas canvas)                      ; Clear the canvas
  (draw-blue-circle canvas (:ball model)))) ; Draw from the model  

The Clojure docs style guide has some more examples.

Function definitions can be commented in a string following the argument vector.

(defn log [& items]
  "Logs to the JavaScript console"
  (.log js/console (apply str items)))

Blocks of code can be commented out by the comment macro.

  ;; Will not be executed ...

There is a tiny little detail that you need to know about though; the comment macro yields nil!

;; Ooops, will explode in your face at runtime!
(+ 1 2 (comment (+ 1 1)))
user=> NullPointerException   clojure.lang.Numbers.ops (

The comment macro is beautifully implemented, just look at the source code:

(defmacro comment
  "Ignores body, yields nil"
  {:added "1.0"}
  [& body])

A similar construct is the highly useful #_ reader macro. When the Clojure reader comes across a #_, it ignores the following form. It does not return nil.

(+ 1 2 #_(+ 1 1))
user=> 3

Note that both the comment macro and #_ requires the following code to be valid.

(+ 1 2 #_( [ )) ; Unmatched bracket!
user=> RuntimeException Unmatched delimiter: )  
       clojure.lang.Util.runtimeException (

In general, only write comments where necessary; code should preferrably be self-explanatory.

For further (opinionated) thoughts on Clojure comments and other code style related topics, the Prismatic engineering practices is an interesting read. In a similar vein, see the Scheme style guide.
